Advanced options

Status checking

The Toolbox remembers the coloring of proof steps. It can be very useful when re-opening a module to know quicky what has been already proved and what has not. However, the color used by the Toolbox to highlight a proof step reflects the step's proof status the last time TLAPS checked the proof. This status may be obsolete if you have edited the proof since then. You can check the current status of a proof step (and of all its substeps) by clicking and then right-clicking on the step (or use the ctrl+G,ctrl+T / cmd-G,cmd-T shortcut), as shown in the following screenshot:


Proving an obligation can take time, but checking its status is pretty fast. (It is not instantaneous because the obligations still have to be computed.) It's a good idea to check the proof status of the complete theorem from time to time, since changing some step could change a later proof obligation, making its previous status no longer meaningful. You can edit your file while the Toolbox is checking proof statuses. (The file is read-only while a proof is in progress.) You can instruct TLAPS to check the status of (or to prove) all theorems in the file by giving the usual command when the cursor is outside any theorem or its proof.

Prover options

If you don't use tactics, the default behaviour of TLAPS is to send obligations to Z3, then to Zenon, then to Isabelle, stopping when one of them succeeds. You can change this behavior, by clicking on "Launch Prover" when right-clicking on a proof-step:


As you can see, you can either ask TLAPS not to prove obligations (that's similar to status checking), or ask TLAPS to make Isabelle check proofs provided by Zenon.


You can also ask TLAPS to forget previous results about obligations of a particular proof-step or the entire module.

Finally, you can specify command-line options that will be added to the ones normally used by the Toolbox when it launches tlapm. The most useful options are the following:

The internal processing that the program tlapm performs is shown in the following diagram. tlapm reads a TLA+ file (or TLA+ files), parses it, applies a number of transformations, and at some point converts to formats that can be used to communicate with external solvers (these are other programs). These solvers include:

Depending on what these external solvers return to tlapm, tlapm outputs to the TLA+ Toolbox , and to stdout and stderr, which parts of the proof tlapm could successfully prove, and which parts not. This output indicates which parts of the proof need further changes, e.g., by adding more details to the proof, or by changing what we are attempting to prove.

The internal transformations within tlapm include:

For each proof step, more than one proof obligation may be generated. Among the proof obligations that are generated from a proof step, there is one proof obligation that has as consequent the same consequent as that proof step in the TLA+ source. The other proof obligations that are generated from that same proof step have as consequents the facts that are listed in the BY statement of that proof step (i.e., the identifiers and expressions listed within the BY statement before the keyword DEF).

TLAPS architecture